When you first installed brand new laminated tiles in your kitchen or living room floor, the tiles were bright and beautiful and reflected the shine of the sun.
But it’s been a few years and the laminated tiles aren’t as shiny and clean as they used to be.
Replacing the tiles seems like a lot of work, so maybe you can just paint over them?
You can paint over laminate floors. You will first need to wash and sand the flooring thoroughly. Then you can apply the primer and paint and create a whole new look for your floor!
Read on to learn more about how to paint over your flooring and have it look professional.

What Type of Paint Should I Use?
Several types of paints can be used to paint over laminate floors. Along with paint, using a primer will prepare the floor and make it easier for the paint to bind to the laminate material.
The most common types of paint used when painting laminate floors are:
- High gloss paint
- Chalk paint
- Latex paint
Do not use acrylic paint, as it will not bind to the laminate flooring.
It is not absolutely necessary to apply primer on a laminate floor. However, if you do not use primer, then you will need two coats of paint.
Using sealant on top of the paint is an absolute necessity.
Since laminate floors must be sanded down before painting, it will be easier for moisture and humidity to absorb into the laminate material.
Applying a waterproof sealant on top of the paint will protect the flooring from developing mold or deteriorating.
How to Prep and Paint Laminate Floors
Now that you have picked your preferred paint color, it’s time to prep the laminate floors.
Here’s the complete process on how to prime and paint the laminate floors in your home. Follow these steps and your floor will be perfect.
Start by thoroughly scrubbing the entire laminate floor. Remove all the dirt, grime, dust, and small particles that are still on the floor. Grab a scrub brush and get on your hands and knees to truly clean everything. The floor needs to be squeaky clean so you do not accidentally paint over any cobwebs, caked on grease, food crumbs, and anything else that hasn’t been removed from the floor. Focus on areas where the floor meets the trim or the wall.
- Once the floor is squeaky clean, sand the top layer. If you do not sand down the laminated floor, the primer and paint will not bind to the floor. There are two ways to sand a laminate floor.
- Use a floor sander. Using a power tool will be the fastest way to sand the laminate floors but it will be more expensive and you will have to rent or buy a power tool.
- Your second option is to grab a bunch of pre-cut sandpaper sheets and sand the floor. This method is time consuming and energy draining, but it is much cheaper. When you sand the floor, do not move your hands in a circular motion. Move the sandpaper back and forth along the flooring.
- Use a floor sander. Using a power tool will be the fastest way to sand the laminate floors but it will be more expensive and you will have to rent or buy a power tool.
- Before applying the paint onto the floor, you can choose the prime the floor with a primer. Primer is not necessary, but it is recommended.
- Now it’s time to begin painting. Like any other painting job in the home, start by lining the edges of the floor with paint. Then fill in the floor with the pint. Make sure to paint in broad strokes and in the same direction. Move backwards so you aren’t trapped in a corner by the painted floor.
- Allow the paint to dry for several hours before fixing painting mistakes. After the second coat is dry, apply the sealant to protect the floor and paint from moisture.
When the entire laminate floor is completely painted and sealed, the sealant will need to dry.
It will take longer to dry than if the flooring was made of wood, concrete, or even marble.

Cost to Hire a Painter
Painting is a hassle and maybe you don’t have time to paint the floor yourself, but you might have the money to hire a painter and purchase the paint and other materials.
How much does the average painter charge to paint the floor? Hiring a painter to paint a floor that is less than 250ft will be anywhere from $470 to $950.
This price does not include the materials which you will have to buy.
What to Do If Floors are Sticky
If you find yourself sticking to your freshly painted laminate floor, then you forgot to apply the sealer or a finishing primer.
Once you apply the sealer on top of the painted floor, the stickiness will go away.
If you’re waiting for the floor to dry, do not become impatient and start applying sealer before the paint is fully dry.
The sealer and the paint can mix together if the paint is still wet.
When Should I Not Paint Over My Laminate Floors?
If you live in a humid area and you’re unable to keep the humidity out of your home, then do not paint over your laminated floors.
In fact, it is not a good idea to have laminated floors in a humid environment. Laminated floors are prone to absorbing humidity and moisture.
Also, never paint over laminate floors that have deep scratches in the material. You will not be able to sand the scratch or groove out of the flooring.
If there are scratches and grooves in the flooring, that section of flooring will need to be replaced.
If there are only light or small scratches in the flooring, then you may be able to buff it out when sanding down the surface of the floor

Conclusion to Painting Laminate Floors
Painting laminate floors as possible. Along with the paint (which cannot be acrylic), the floor will also need a primer and a sealant.
Do not paint a laminate floor if there is humidity in your home. If you do not prime the laminate floor, it will be harder for the paint to bind to the laminate surface.
You may have to use two or even three coats of paint if you do not have primer.