If you are considering a clawfoot tub purchase, you are probably interested in how much they weigh.
Clawfoot tubs are beautiful and bring us to think fondly of times past. But these tubs are big and not ideal for every bathroom, especially certain modern ones.
Before investing in a purchase like this, it’s important to know their size and if they’ll be appropriate for the space you are considering putting them in.
Most clawfoot tubs typically weigh between 70 pounds and 400 pounds, but their overall weight will vary, depending on if they are made out of cast iron, acrylic, or copper.
For many of us, the look of our bathtub is very important to us. Whether it’s because we love sitting in it, or love looking at it, clawfoot tubs are an exciting option to consider.
But, there are so many styles and sizes to choose from, knowing what will work best for us and our space can sometimes feel daunting.
I love bathroom redesign. I think these rooms can be one of the most appealing in a home, and a clawfoot tub can almost serve as an art piece.
Let’s explore more about these tubs and how their makeup will affect their weight.
How Much Does a Clawfoot Tub Weigh?
Clawfoot tubs have been around since the mid-1800s and continue to be a popular choice for bathroom designers.
These timeless tubs invoke feelings of sophistication, relaxation, and calm.
Even if they never climb in it, many people want a clawfoot tub in their bathroom for the ambiance it creates.
But there’s also the practicality of these large bathing beauties.
Knowing the weight of your tub will be important when deciding which type you are going to invest in, where you are going to place it and what sort of space you need to house it.
1. The Cast-Iron Clawfoot Tub
The classic original clawfoot tub is the cast-iron one. These tubs are not only very pretty to look at, but they are also durable and almost indestructible.
These are usually covered in a hard enamel, which makes them easier to clean. A good cast-iron tub can last you decades.
In fact, many who are clawfoot tub purists will find and reuse antique clawfoot tubs because they want the real deal.
One drawback to a traditional cast-iron clawfoot tub is that they are by far the heaviest version of these soaking spots.
A true cast-iron tub will usually weigh around 350 pounds and be somewhere between 55 inches and 65 inches long. Oftentimes, true cast-iron tubs will cost well over $1500.
If you are considering a true cast-iron tub, you may want to talk to a plumber, contractor, or architect before you invest in one.
Sometimes depending on the final weight and design of your bathroom floor, cast-iron tubs may require more floor support for their weight, especially when filled with water and a human (or two).
2. The Acrylic Clawfoot Tub
If you want to still capture the same look, but are wanting a soaking tub that won’t require quite the cost or potential weight issues, the acrylic clawfoot is a great option.
Quickly gaining in popularity, acrylic clawfoot tubs are a nice addition to the clawfoot tub market.
Not only are these tubs lighter in weight, but their surface is more forgiving, and minor scratches can be buffed out easily.
They are also better at not knicking and need very little maintenance in general.
But, you will still get the same classic look and no one will realize the difference.
Acrylic clawfoot tubs can weigh in as low as 70 pounds. This is a great advantage over the cast-iron ones, because not only do you not need extra support under your floor, but they are easier to move in and place as well.
They are also easier to move out. A classic, iron-cast claw foot will often need to be sledge hammered into large chunks in order to get it out of the house.
An acrylic claw-foot is much easier to move.
3. The Copper Clawfoot Tub
A copper clawfoot tub is truly for the person who is looking for a work of art. These tubs are show-stoppers and for good reason.
Not only are they elegant like a traditional white clawfoot tub, but copper clawfoot tubs also have a distinguished look that sets them apart from the rest.
Copper clawfoot tubs weigh less than iron-cast, coming in at around 150 pounds.
This makes them less difficult to install and you won’t need special flooring to support them.
They are custom-made, so make sure you build some wait time into your plans.
Copper clawfoots are great at heat retention but are sensitive to wear and tear, so it’s best you don’t use anything abrasive in or on them, such as certain bathing products, like skin exfoliants, or harsh cleaning supplies.
Copper is beautiful, but a bit more high maintenance than the others on this list.
4. The Full-Of Water Clawfoot Tub
Finally, how much your clawfoot tub weighs will also – obviously – depending on what you put in it.
Here’s a fun fact – one gallon of water weighs 8.3 pounds. And, since most clawfoots hold around 40-45 gallons of water (to the overflow drain), then a full tub will weigh in at an additional 330-370 pounds.
That’s a lot of weight in water!
If you are really getting specific, and want to know a clawfoot tub’s weight, don’t forget to add humans into your equation.
Two full-sized adults could easily add another 300 pounds or more. (Two little toddlers and all their bath toys will only increase the clawfoot’s overall weight by significantly less than that!)
In all seriousness, factoring the weight of water and bodies into the clawfoot tub’s overall weight is important when you’re thinking about the placement of the tub and the flooring beneath.
In normal circumstances, what you add to the tub in weight will only pose a problem if you’re purchasing a cast-iron clawfoot tub.
There are a few subfloors that won’t be able to handle any of the other options I’ve laid out.
Summing Up How Much Clawfoot Tubs Weigh
Clawfoot tubs add an elegance to any home that they’re in, but they can weight anywhere from 70-400 pounds, depending on what they’re made out of.
It’s important to know this before installing one, as you need to make sure that your floor can handle the weight. It’s always good to call a professional to take a look.